Bibliography: Publications

Cvek, Sven. "O nekim formalnim i političkim aspektima Žice". Hrvatski Filmski Ljetopis 81, 2015.

Cvek, Sven. "Who Needs Identity? Transnational Subjects & Historical Knowledge", English Studies as Archive and as Prospecting (eds. Stipe Grgas, Martina Domines-Veliki and Tihana Klepač). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2016).

Cvek, Sven. “Shedding Surplus Labor”: Fordism, Socialism and the End of a Workers’ State“, Working Papers in American Studies Vol. 2 (eds Jelena Šesnić, Sven Cvek), Croatian Association for American Studies: Zagreb (2016).

Cvek, Sven. "Class and Culture in Factory Newspapers", Cultural Life of Capitalism: Yugoslavia's (Post)Socialism and Its Other (eds. Dijana Jelača, Maša Kolanović, Danijela Lugarić) Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK, 2017.

Cvek, Sven. "Notes on ‘Command of Money’ and the End of Socialism", The Errant Labor of the Humanities: The Festschrift Presented to Stipe Grgas on the Occason of His 65th Brithday (eds Sven Cvek, Borislav Knežević, Jelena Šesnić, Hrvoje Tutek), FFPress: Zagreb, 2016.

Domines, Martina. "Trojaka priroda romantičkog sjećanja: slučaj Williama Wordswortha". Književna smotra: časopis za svjetsku književnost. XLVI (2014) ; 15-22

Domines, Martina. "Spatiality of Memory: Wordsworth's The Excursion and Rousseau's Reveries of a Solitary Walker". Romantik: journal for the study of romanticisms, 4, 2015, 95-113.

Domines, Martina. "The Oxymoronic Nature of the Romantic Sublime". English Studies As Archive and As Prospecting (eds. Stipe Grgas, Martina Domines-Veliki and Tihana Klepač). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, pp. 62-79.

Domines, Martina. "Romantic Confession: the Case of Thomas De Quincey". SRAZ 2016.

Domines, Martina. "The Capital and the Romantic Sublime: the Case of Thomas De Quincey", CounterText, 2.1 (March 2016) 55-65.

Domines, Martina. "(Pre)-Romantic Constructions of Nature", The Errant Labor of the Humanities: The Festschrift Presented to Stipe Grgas on the Occason of His 65th Brithday (eds Sven Cvek, Borislav Knežević, Jelena Šesnić), FFPress: Zagreb, 2016.

Grgas, Stipe. Američki studiji danas: identitet, kapital, spacijalnost. Zagreb: Meandar Media, 2014.

Grgas, Stipe. "The Unsolicited Labour of Humanities", English Studies as Archive and as Prospecting (ur. Stipe Grgas, Martina Domines-Veliki, Tihana Klepač), Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, pp. 163-178.

Grgas, Stipe. "Changing American Priorities: A View from the Ruins of Its ‘Communist Ally’”, Working Papers in American Studies Vol. 2 (eds Jelena Šesnić, Sven Cvek), Croatian Association for American Studies: Zagreb, 2016.

Jukić, Tatjana. „Austrougarska konstitucija Krležine politike“ („The Austro-Hungarian Constitution of Krleža's Politics“). Zbornik radova 43. seminara Zagrebačke slavističke škole (eds. Tvrtko Vuković, Tatjana Pišković, Lana Molvarec). Zagreb: Zagrebačka slavistička škola, 2015.

Jukić, Tatjana. "Deleuze on the Superiority of Anglo-American Literature: A Victorianist Perspective". English Studies as Archive and as Prospecting (eds. Stipe Grgas, Martina Domines-Veliki, Tihana Klepač). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, pp.43-61.

Jukić, Tatjana. „Matošev Emerson, ili konzekvencije flanerizma“ („Matoš's Emerson, or the Consequences of Flaneurism“). Mjesto, granica, identitet. Prostor u hrvatskoj književnosti i kulturi (ed. Lana Molvarec). Zagreb: Zagrebačka slavistička škola, 2014. 67-80.

Jukić, Tatjana. „Postsocialism Remembers the Revolution: The Comedy of It“. Post-Yugoslav Constellations (eds. Stijn Vervaet, Vladislav Beronja). Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016.

Jukić, Tatjana. "Strašna resnica: O metonimični racionalnosti pri Hawksu in Cavellu". Stanley Cavell. Refleksija filma (ed. Ivana Novak), Ljubljana: Slovenian Cinematheque, 2015. 117-133.

Jukić, Tatjana. „Viktorijanska biopolitika, psihoanaliza i Sherlock Holmes: Skrletna studija“ („Victorian Biopolitics, Psychoanalysis and Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet“). Književna smotra XLVI/172 (2), 2014. 5-13.

Jukić, Tatjana. "The Awful Truth: On Metonymic Rationality in Hawks and Cavell", Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia (2016).

Jukić, Tatjana. "Stanley Cavell, Classical Hollywood and the Constitution of the Ordinary (With Notes on Billy Wilder)", AM Journal of Art and Media Studies (2016).

Jukić, Tatjana. "An American Antigone: Henry James’ Washington Square“, The Errant Labor of the Humanities: The Festschrift Presented to Stipe Grgas on the Occason of His 65th Brithday (eds Sven Cvek, Borislav Knežević, Jelena Šesnić), FFPress: Zagreb (2016).

Jukić, Tatjana. "Derrida's Jerrerson", Working Papers in American Studies, vol. 2, 2016.; Hrvatsko udruženje za američke studije, Zagreb, 2016. 81-98.

Jukić, Tatjana. "The Psychopolitics of Socialism in Central and Eastern Europe (With Notes on Walter Defends Sarajevo)" u: Myth and Its Discontents: Memory and Trauma in Central and Eastern European Literature - Mythos und Ernüchterung: Zu Trauma und (fraglicher) Erinnerung in Literaturen des zentralen und östlichen Europa. Ur: Danijela Lugarić, Milka Car, Gabor Tamas Molnar, 2017. 191-203

Jukić, Tatjana. "Fictions of Crime in a State of Exception" u: Maša Kolanović, Danijela Lugarić i Dijana Jelača (Ur): The Cultural Life of Capitalism in Yugoslavia: (Post)Socialism and Its Other, Palgrave, Macmillan, London New York, 2017. 43-60.

Jukić, Tatjana. Melankolija za modernitet (Bilješke o Walteru Benjaminu). Melankolija između kreativnosti i depresije/ Melancholy Between Creativity and Depression. Raguž, Ivica ; Šokčević, Šimo (ur.).
Đakovo : Katolički bogoslovni fakultet u Đakovu, 2017. Str. 79-90.

Jukić, Tatjana. The October Garbo: Classical Hollywood and the Revolution. Studia litterarum. 2 (2017), 56-63.

Jukić, Tatjana. Cavell's Shakespeare, or the Insufficiency of Tragedy for Modernity. Bollettino Filosofico. 32 (2017), 67-87.

Klepač, Tihana. "The Australian Girl as an innocuous companion of the New Woman“, English Studies as Archive and as Prospecting (ur. Stipe Grgas, Martina Domines-Veliki, Tihana Klepač), Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, pp.134-150.

Knežević, Borislav. "Anglistika kao globalna disciplina". Književna smotra XLVI (2014) , 171(2): 81-95.

Knežević, Borislav. “English Studies and Liberal Education Today”, English Studies as Archive and as Prospecting (ur. Stipe Grgas, Martina Domines-Veliki, Tihana Klepač), Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016.pp. 152-162.

Knežević, Borislav. "Contours of Capital in the Novel", The Errant Labor of the Humanities: The Festschrift Presented to Stipe Grgas on the Occason of His 65th Brithday (eds Sven Cvek, Borislav Knežević, Jelena Šesnić), FFPress: Zagreb, 2016.

Knežević, Borislav. "(Mis)Learning from American Education: What Is American About Bologna?”, Working Papers in American Studies Vol. 2 (eds Jelena Šesnić, Sven Cvek), Croatian Association for American Studies: Zagreb, 2016.

Polić, Vanja. "Performing the Canadian West: Chuckwagons, Cowgirls and New Westerns", Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, February 2016; vol. 16, 1: pp. 40-47.

Polić, Vanja. "The Reworkings of the Western from the Northern Side of the Medicine Line: Caple's In Calamity's Wake, Vanderhaeghe's The Englishman's Boy and Stenson's Lightning", British Journal for Canadian Studies, 28. 2, 205-221, (2015).

Polić, Vanja. "Of Wests, Quests and Bullwhips: George Bowering’s Caprice Rides through the Western Genre", Umjetnost riječi 58.3/4 (2014): 369-390.

"Sisters Brothers Pack Heat: or How the Sisters Fared in the West", u Facing the Crises: Anglophone Literature in the Postmodern World, Lj. Matek and J. Poljak Rehlicki (eds.), Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Chapter 8: 128-146, 2014.

"Performing the Canadian West: Chuckwagons, Cowgirls, and New Westerns", u Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, Reiterating the Canadian West, ed. Brian Rusted, 16.1 (40-47), 2016.

Polić, Vanja. "White Civility and the Im/Possibility of Crossing in Guy Vanderhaeghe’s The Last Crossing" in The Errant Labor of the Humanities: The Festschrift Presented to Stipe Grgas on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, S. Cvek, B. Knežević and J Šesnić (eds.), Zagreb: FF Press. 49-63, 2017.

Šesnić, Jelena. "The Croatian Diaspora as an Unfinished Transdisciplinary Project”, English Studies from Archives to Prospects. Vol. I: Literature and Cultural Studies. (ur. Stipe Grgas, Martina Domines-Veliki, Tihana Klepač), Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, pp.118-133.

Šesnić, Jelena. "F.O. Matthiessen, C.L.R. James and a Sense of the Past of American Studies“, The Errant Labor of the Humanities: Festschrift Presented to Stipe Grgas  (eds. Sven Cvek, Borislav Knežević, Jelena Šesnić), Zagreb: FF press, 2017. 215-33.

Šesnić, Jelena. "Hrvatsko-američko pismo u globalnome kontekstu". Hrvatska revija, br. 4, godište XVI (2016): 4-9.

Šesnić, Jelena. "A Diasporic American Mirror for Late Socialist and Early Democratic Croatia." Working Papers in American Studies. Vol. II. Ed. Jelena Šesnić and Sven Cvek. Zagreb: Hrvatsko udruženje za američke studije, 2016. 44-67.

Tutek, Hrvoje. “Formalistička estetika i nacionalni identitet: prilog materijalističkoj analizi hrvatske humanistike u tranziciji”. U Inačice materijalizma. Radovi drugog Okruglog stola Odsjeka za filozofiju. Borislav Mikulić i Mislav Žitko, ur. Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2017. 60-89.