Borislav Knežević

Borislav Knežević works as professor in the English Department at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia. His research includes Victorian literature and culture, history and theory of the novel, postcolonial studies, and intersection between the cultural and economic fields.  He published two books, Figures of Finance Capitalism (New York: Routledge, 2003), and Reading Joyce after the Postcolonial Turn (Zagreb: FF press, 2012), as well as a number of articles. More recently some of these articles deal with topics related to the makeup of the modern university, and the position of English studies as an academic discipline.


Selected publications

"Anglistika kao globalna disciplina". Književna smotra : časopis za svjetsku književnost. XLVI (2014) , 171(2); 81-95

"Globalizacija i humanističke znanosti u SAD-u devedesetih godina." Književna smotra : časopis za svjetsku književnost. XLVI (2014), 171(1); 17-29

Reading Joyce after the Postcolonial Turn. Zagreb: FF press, 2012

 "American Capitalism Abroad: Culture and Cash in Billy Wilder's One, Two, Three." Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia LIV 2009, str. 183-203.

 "Irska, Hrvatska i postkolonijalnost: Između previše i premalo teorije,“  in Ljiljana Gjurgjan, Tihana Klepač (ed.), Irsko ogledalo za hrvatsku književnost. Zagreb: FF Press, 2008, 39-61.

"Is There a Class to Renounce in This Text:  The Gentlemanly Ideology in A Portrait ofthe Artist as a Young Man" (Risky Readings of Joyce, Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 2007, pp. 159-169)

"Hrvatska Bologna: Između sveučilišta i usmjerenog obrazovanja.“ Književna republika V (10-12) 2007, pp. 255-282.