Martina Domines Veliki
MARTINA DOMINES VELIKI works as a teaching assistant in the English Department of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. She teaches courses in British romanticism (poetry and prose) to undergraduate students. She has published papers in both Croatian and international journals (Grasmere Journal, Studien Zur Englischen Romantik, Central European Journal of Canadian Studies). For her first romantic conference she was granted the Jonathan Wordsworth Scholarship and has won two bursaries for doing her doctoral research (from the University of Bergen and the University of Newcastle). In 2011 she defended her doctoral thesis entitled ‘Constructions of the Romantic Subject: Rousseau and Wordsworth’. In 2013 she became the president of the Croatian Association for Anglophone Studies (HDAS).
Selected publications:
The Oxymoronic Nature of the Romantic Sublime, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (forthcoming 2015)
Spatiality of Memory: Wordsworth's The Excursion and Rousseau's Reveries of a Solitary Walker (forthcoming 2015)
Trojaka priroda romantičkog sjećanja: slučaj Williama Wordswortha, Književna smotra (Povodom 80 godina zagrebačke anglistike: Znaci vremena), XLVI (2014) 15-22
Rousseauovo naslijeđe u djelu Williama Wordswortha: koliko Wordsworthova politička misao duguje Rousseauu?, Književna smotra, XLV (2013), 81-94
Wordsworthian London: (re)configurations of the metropolis, Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia, LVIII (2013), 139-151
Wordsworth's Crisis of Imagination, Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia, XVI (2011), 159-173
Wordsworth's Sense of Place: Assimilation or Dominion, Studien Zur Englischen Romantik 8 (2010), 49-58
Simpozij "A Cultural History of Capitalism"
CfP: The (Un)usable Pasts of American Studies
Druga kvartalna radionica
3rd Annual American Studies Workshop in Zagreb
6. mjesečna radionica